Collective Action
Island Coast FEA works with each other and statewide staff to build member capacity, leadership, and power to protect Florida’s students’ right to a free and high-quality public education.
Collective Bargaining
Island Coast FEA negotiates contracts with the School District of Lee County covering everything from wages to health insurance, performance pay to evaluations.
Member Advocacy and Representation
Island Coast FEA members are never alone. Whether it is standing up to bullies in the legislature or to a bullying administrator, together we advocate for what’s best for students. If needed, Island Coast FEA members have a full range of emergency and long-term legal services to protect their employment rights.

Island Coast Florida Education Association
Island Coast FEA members do everything from ensuring students get to school safely to feeding them nutritious meals, teaching reading, writing, math, and even rocket science, inspiring the next generation of artists, activists, and leaders.
We are public education experts and make the future possible!
When you choose to join your local union, you become a member of Island Coast FEA, Florida Education Association, National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers. When you join us, you are ensuring success for Florida’s students and public schools.

Teachers Association of Lee County
Join the union that advocates for the School District of Lee County's teachers. Backed by the power of FEA, AFT, and NEA you’ll receive exclusive membership benefits and the protection of a union with your best interest in mind.
Learn more about TALC

Support Personnel Association of Lee County
Join the union that advocates for the School District of Lee County's support employees. Backed by the power of FEA, AFT, and NEA you’ll receive exclusive membership benefits and the protection of a union with your best interest in mind.
Learn more about SPALC